Parochial C of E Primary School | Keppel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL6 6NN

Tel: 0161 3436070
Twitter: ParochialCofE

Proud member of the Forward as One Multi Academy Trust.
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(A Company Limited by Guarantee),
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Parochial CofE Primary And Nursery School, Ashton-under-lyne

Growing Together in God

Hello and welcome to our Year 1 class page.

Here you will find some information about what your child will be learning in English, Maths, Religious Education and Topic. There will also be some links available to navigate you in the right direction in helping you continue your child's learning at home. 

I am looking forward to getting to know you all and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.


Miss Hulme and Mrs Singh

What's happening this half term in Year 1?

Our Topic this half term is all about...

 In our Topic this half term we will be learning all about Dinosaurs. This is an exciting topic which will allow the children to explore any curiosities they have about the topic.

We will be exploring when the dinosaurs roamed the planet and for how long, touching on the Mesozoic era, the Cretaceous Period and prehistoric. The children will have the opportunity to use fossils to learn about dinosaurs, as well as exploring their diet to identify if they are Omnivores, Herbivore or Carnivores. In addition to this, we will also look at the Jurassic period and compare it to how the world looks now. Finally, we will  learn about why dinosaurs became extinct. 


Key Questions:            How did the Earth look different in the Mesozoic era compared to now?         How long did dinosaurs roam the Earth?          How did dinosaurs become extinct? 


In English, we will be focusing on writing to entertain. We will be using Pathways to Write to develop our knowledge in Poetry and Adventure stories.

Our first unit will be poetry where we will be working towards adding a verse to a song and making a list poem about the sea. This will be achieved over a series of lessons and children will develop their skills in spoken language, reading comprehension and writing composition.

Our poetry keys are as followed:

> Play with words - e.g. onomatopoeia and rhyme.

>List words and phrases.

>Use simple language patterns - e.g. repetition and rhyme.

In our second unit of work, we will be working towards writing an adventure story based on the structure of 'Lost and Found' with a new animals. In this unit we will help children to develop their basic skills, mastery keys and feature keys. 

Our mastery keys are as followed:

> Combine words to make sentences.

>Leave spaces between words.

>Begin to use capital letters and full stops.

>Use capital letters for the names of people and the personal pronoun 'I'. 

Our feature keys are as followed:

>Use some story language.

>Include and describe a new character.

>Include and describe a setting.

>Write simple sentences in sequence.

>Include a beginning, middle and end. 

To support your child at home, you can read stories with them to familiarise them with structure and events.  You can also complete short bursts of writing by saying the sentences they will write, Fred talking using Fred fingers and using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces accurately. 


 In Maths this half term we will be looking at number and place value, addition and subtraction, and 2D and 3D shapes. We will cover the following:

  • Numbers to 10 - We will count objects to 10, count and write numbers to 10, count backwards from 10, count one more or one less, compare numbers and objects, and look at number lines. 
  • Part-whole within 10 - We will introduce the part-whole model, look at number bonds facts to 10, find number bonds, and compare number bonds.
  • Addition and subtraction within 10 - We will focus on finding a whole and a part, finding and making number bonds, finding addition facts, and look at solving word problems.
  • Addition and subtraction within 10 (2) - We will look at subtraction and addition, counting backwards, finding the difference, solving word problems, and comparing addition and subtraction.
  • 2D and 3D shapes - We will explore naming 2D and 3D shapes, as well as making patterns with shapes. 

 To help support your child's learning at home, you can continue to work on their number bonds to 5 and 10. If your child has completed this step, you can move onto number bonds to 15 and 20. This is a great way to get involved in your child's learning and boost their confidence. 

Religious Education:

Our Religious Education topic this half term is 'Who do Christians say made the world?'. This unit is taken from our new scheme of learning - National Association of Teachers of Religious Education. In this unit we will be learning all about the Christian creation story. We will look at key events and learn to retell events using key vocabulary. 

 Below is a document which shows our Knowledge Organiser which children will use to support them, alongside adult support and peer support. 

Key Vocabulary:  Creation   World   Belief   Thank   Harvest   God   believe   Bible   Genesis   praise 

Maths - Uploaded to Class Dojo on Monday due Friday.

Spelling - Uploaded to Class Dojo on Friday due the following Friday.

Reading books will be changed on Monday and must be returned on Friday.

It is essential for your child's progress that they read at home as often as possible.

Library books are changed on Wednesday

Please remember to pack your child's reading book in their book bag.  Lost or damaged books will result in a charge of £2.

Below are some great resources to use with your child at home if you would like to do some additional learning.  

This pack is available to download on

Below are some great practical ideas!

WOW Websites for learning - username and password provided, if you need this just let us know! - a great Maths game where children can work on number bonds, doubles and halves and mental addition and subtraction. You can access for other Maths games too! - username and password provided, if you need this just let us know! - another place you can access free e-books - a great website to keep up with what's happening in the world, you could research one aspect further and write about it! - For children working on gaining an understanding of numbers to 10, there are different episode you can watch and join in with

Year 1 Expectations

By the end of the year, your child should have achieved the following objectives. Please ensure you read this document carefully as it will allow you to support your child at home with their home learning/homework. 

Last update: 2022-08-24