Parochial C of E Primary School | Keppel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL6 6NN

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Parochial CofE Primary And Nursery School, Ashton-under-lyne

Growing Together in God

Year 3 Curriculum Information | Richard Clarke First School

Mrs Orchard & Mrs Singh  


Our theme for this half term is...




We will be learning all about...


 This half term we will be starting the half term with looking at the poem 'I saw a peacock' we will be looking at rhyming patterns and imagery to create our own lines from the poem. 

We will then move onto our fiction text and using our knowledge of adventure to look at the picture book 'The journey by Aaron Becker'. During the study of this text we will be writing letters to the author about his book and also writing diary entries about our own adventures. We will be looking closely at how to use description and how to write from another point of view.  








Religious Education

Which rules should we follow

 During this topic we will be giving pupils an opportunity to consider the value and purpose of rules. We will examine the Christian rules for living and examine the source of these rules. We will be encouraging pupils to reflect upon their own lifestyle and the influences upon it. We will also be looking at the rules of other faiths and the ways in which these rules influence behaviour and decisions.


PSHE  - Econmic wellbeing

We will be learning to

  • Recognise some different ways to pay for items.
  • Explain that money is needed when paying for items using a cheque, bank transfer or card.
  • Create a simple budget.
  • Explain how situations involving money can affect our feelings.
  • Understand that a range of things might influence our spending choices.
  • Recognise that there is a wide range of jobs available and that personal skills and interests affect career choices.
  • Understand that stereotypes sometimes exist about the jobs people do.


We will begin the half term with

our topic of length and perimeter. We will be measuring in mm, cm and m and comparing and converting length. We will be learning how to add and subtract different lengths. We will then move onto time where we will be learning to tell the time to the nearest minute learning the difference between am and pm and also looking at how to tell the time on digital and 24 hour clocks.   

With your child at home you can help them by finding real life examples to encourage using their maths knowledge. 

Continue working on Sumdog as regularly as possible and join in on  Times Table Rockstars to take part in challenges and competitions.

Learning Logs are due in on the first day of each new term. 


Homework is to be sent out and returned via Class Dojo. 






 End of half term

 Learning Logs



Our Class Author

Anne Fine

Over the course of Year 3 the children will be exposed to (through class read or guided reading sessions) the following books by Roald Dahl. 

The Killer cat

The return of the Killer cat

Bills new frock

Flour Babies


Our theme this half term is Rainforests. We will be using maps and atlases to locate the worlds rainforests. We will be exploring the climate of the rainforest understand that there are different levels to a rainforest. We will investigate the Amazon Rainforest as a habitat and understand how deforestation is having an effect on the animals that live there.


 In Science, we will be learning forces. We will be comparing how things move on different surfaces, investigating that some forces need contact but magnetic forces can act at a distance, observing how magnets can attract and repel each other, compare and group everyday objects based on whether they are attracted to magnets  and identify some magnetic materials. We will describe the poles of magnets and predict whether magnets will attract or repel each other based on the way they are facing.



Please ask your child questions about their learning at home and ask them about key vocabulary they have been learning.




Year 3 Common Exception Words

Year 3 End of Year Expectations